April 2022 News
Posted on 9th June 2022 at 14:01
All of our April 2022 News
2nd April 2022
Here’s Jess with her special certificate for being nominated for The Theatre Awards.
Due to her A Levels Jess will not be attending the Awards day but has received this lovely certificate for outstanding potential in Ballet.
Congratulations Jess.
18th April 2022
Congratulations to Eloise for getting through to the finals of The IDTA Theatre Dance Awards.
From 1000’s of candidates who enter for IDTA exams around the UK Eloise was nominated to attend the awards in Manchester and we’re so proud Eloise gained a place in the final 20.
“ I really enjoyed my day at the IDTA theatre awards! It was really inspiring dancing with so many talented dancers! I loved performing the variation on stage in the final and hope to picked again as it was an amazing experience!”
Credit to Miss Joanne for preparing Eloise for the nominated exam. Well done both ❤️
28th April 2022
Thank you to everyone who attended our Showcase ’22 meeting this evening. So lovely to see so many attending via zoom and in person. We hope it helped, but do email if you have further questions.
We’ll email the information pack and keep you all updated every step of the way.
Thanks to Auntie Sue (Head Chaperone) and Susie, Kerry, Lisa and Jane (senior chaperones) for contributing.
Remember, do get to know your child’s class mates parents and become part of Team KH and our community.
The excitement begins.
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