Malton, North Yorkshire 
(contained within this Information Pack) 
Documents Page 
Customer Relations Policy  
Children and Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy Guidelines  
Health and Safety policy  
Fire Safety Policy  
Toilet and Personal Care Policy  
Mental Health and Well-Being Policy  
GDPR Guidance  
Equal Opportunities Policy  
Customer Relations Policy 
Statement of Intent 
Our policy is to provide and maintain the best possible service to our students, teachers and the public. We take pride in providing a professional service whilst inspiring the highest level of trust. 
Staff will be professional at all times and show: 
• Courtesy in all circumstances 
• Accuracy in what they do 
• Accountability for the quality of service they deliver. 
• Integrity in all their dealings 
• Consideration for the needs of customers 
• Promptness in all their actions, keeping people informed of progress. 
Kirkham Henry Directors together with our teaching staff will play their part by: 
• giving student care a high priority. 
• developing corporate values and practices on student care which are shared across the organisation and communicated effectively. 
• regularly monitoring its student care strategy to ensure that the needs of all its students, parents, carers and the public are met successfully. 
• provide a clear, accessible process for any person to comment or complain about any aspect of their own or Kirkham Henry’s services. 
Children and Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy Guidelines 
Policy Statement 
Covid 19 
This policy is written whilst the school is dealing with the unprecedented situation of the Covid19 pandemic. This policy is held separately. 
This document sets out the Safeguarding Policy and Guidance for Kirkham Henry Performing Arts CIC, which will be followed by all members including staff, Directors, volunteers, visitors, and families. 
Kirkham Henry Performing Arts School adopts and open and accepting attitude towards children and young people as part of its responsibility for their pastoral care. Our staff strive to ensure that children, young people and parents feel free to talk about their concerns and will see our school as a safe place when there are other difficulties in their lives. Pupils’ worries and fears will be taken seriously and children and young people are encouraged to seek help from, or confide in, members of staff. 
Core Principles 
• Our KHPA Community fully recognises our responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all of our pupils and this will be paramount 
• We believe that not only is this a moral and statutory responsibility, but we know that children who feel safe and secure at Kirkham Henry Performing Arts are more likely to achieve their full potential. 
• The rights, wishes and feelings of children, young people and their families will be respected and listened to. 
• We understand that the standards for positive and appropriate behaviour and mutual respect are set by example by our staff. 
• Vulnerable children and young adults and those with additional needs are supported. 
• We accept and carry out our responsibility to act on any suspicion, disclosure, or belief that a child is suffering or at risk of suffering harm. 
Everyone at our organisation shares an objective to help keep children, young people, and vulnerable adults safe by: 
• Providing a safe environment to learn in 
• Identifying and responding to children, young people and vulnerable adults in need or support and / or protection 
• Supporting children’s development in ways which will foster a sense of self-esteem and independence. 
• Fostering a learning environment in which every pupil feels valued and able to articulate their wishes and feelings in their preferred method of communication in an atmosphere of acceptance and trust. 
We will endeavour to ensure that children and vulnerable adults are protected from harm while they visit or are attending classes on our property. We will do this by: 
1. Making sure our staff are carefully selected and correct recruitment processes followed including taking up references 
2. Providing appropriate and regular training for staff in issues of child protection 
3. Ensure all staff and volunteers (including teaching staff, administrators, and ancillary staff) undergo an Enhanced DBS check. 
4. To establish and maintain an ethos where children and young people feel secure and are encouraged to talk and are listened to. 
5. Taking all reasonable steps to ensure the health, safety and welfare of any child or vulnerable adult in contact with us. 
6. Not physically, or emotionally abusing any child or vulnerable adult in contact with us 
7. Taking all reasonable steps to prevent any staff member, persons working for us or member of the public from putting any child or vulnerable adult in a situation in which there is an unreasonable risk to their health and safety. 
8. Taking all reasonable steps to prevent any staff member, persons working for us or member of the public from physically, or emotionally abusing any child or vulnerable adult. 
9. Reporting to the Principal, or Directors any evidence or reasonable suspicion that a child or vulnerable adult has been physically, or emotionally abused in contact with us or anyone in our organization. 
10. Referring to statutory authorities all incidents reported to the Principal or the Directors. 
11. Implementing this policy in conjunction with our Health and Safety guidelines already in place 
1. Immediate Action to Ensure Safety 
Immediate action may be necessary at any stage of involvement with children and families. In all cases, it is vital to take whatever action is needed to safeguard the child/children. 
• if emergency medical attention is required, this can be secured by calling an ambulance (dial 999) or taking a child to the nearest Accident and Emergency Department. 
• if a child is in immediate danger, the Police should be contacted (dial 999), as they alone have the power to remove a child immediately if protection is necessary, via a Police Protection Order. 
2. Recognition of Abuse or Neglect 
Abuse or neglect of a child is caused by inflicting harm or by failing to act to prevent harm. Children may be abused in a family or in an institutional or community setting, by those known to them or more rarely by a stranger. 
Physical abuse may involve hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning, or scalding, drowning, suffocating, or otherwise causing physical harm to a child. Physical harm may also be caused when someone fabricates the symptoms of illness or deliberately causes ill health to a child whom they are looking after. 
Emotional abuse is the persistent, emotional ill treatment of a child, such as to cause severe and persistent adverse effects on the child’s emotional development. It may involve conveying to children that they are worthless or unloved, inadequate, or valued only in so far as they meet the needs of another person. It may feature age or developmentally inappropriate expectations being imposed on children. It may involve causing children frequently to feel frightened or in danger or the exploitation or corruption of children. Some level of emotional abuse is involved in all types of ill treatment of a child, though it may occur alone. 
Sexual abuse involves forcing or enticing a child or young person to take part in sexual activities, whether or not the child is aware of what is happening. The activities may involve physical contact, non-contact activities, such as involving children in looking at, or in the production of, pornographic materials or watching sexual activities, or encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways. 
Neglect is the persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of the child’s health or development. It may involve a parent or guardian failing to provide adequate food, shelter, and clothing, failing to protect a child from physical harm or danger or the failure to ensure access to appropriate medical care or treatment. It may also include neglect of, or unresponsiveness to, a child’s basic emotional needs. 
Individuals within Kirkham Henry Performing Arts CIC need to be alert to the potential abuse of children. 
Kirkham Henry Performing Arts CIC should know how to recognise and act upon indicators of abuse or potential abuse involving children. There is an expected responsibility for all members of staff to respond to any suspected or actual abuse of a child, in accordance with these procedures. 
Health and Safety Policy 
Kirkham Henry Performing Arts CIC takes seriously their responsibility to ensure the safety of their students. 
1. All parents must complete an Enrolment Form when joining us, with clear information regarding emergency contacts and any relevant medical history. 
2. A copy of primary and emergency contact numbers will be kept 
3. It is the parent’s/carer’s responsibility to notify us of any changes to their emergency contact details. 
4. In case of a fire emergency, all teachers have a clear understanding of procedures to follow and regular fire drills are carried out. 
5. We will undertake regular assessment of risks regarding our premises and any concerns will be raised with The Directors. 
6. It is our responsibility to keep fully equipped first aid boxes within the building. In case of an accident the teacher concerned will talk to the parent/carer after class to explain what happened and a report will be written in the Accident book, which is kept in the office. 
7. There will always be a first aider available (teachers are trained in first aid). 
8. If required we will contact the emergency services first, then the parent/carer of the student(s) involved, using the telephone number on our system. 
9. Parents must understand that dance and gymnastics and other aspects of performing arts are an active sport and injuries can happen and we accept no responsibility for such injuries. Also for dance and gymnastics parents must be aware, at times the teacher will need to touch a child in order to correct a position. 
10. Students or parents/carers should inform the teacher of any special health considerations or existing injuries before participating in class. 
11. Students should not wear any jewellery that may pose a risk to themselves or others (stud earrings and jewellery worn for religious or cultural reasons are acceptable). 
12. No food is allowed in the studios apart from Saturday snacks. Water is permitted in bottles. 
13. Chewing gum is strictly prohibited in the building. 
14. We strive to keep the building as a peanut/nut free zone. We request all parents and students to check any foods before bringing them in. 
15. No smoking permitted anywhere inside or on the grounds of the building. 
First Aid 
Unless there is good reason, first aid should not be administered without the permission of the child’s parent or accompanying adult, which will be stated on the enrollment form. All teachers will be made aware if parental consent is not given. A child cannot give consent. If the parent is not at the premises it is the responsibility of Kirkham Henry Performing Arts CIC to contact the parent/carer. However, if a child is alone and seriously injured or unconscious, the situation will need to be dealt with immediately. If, at all possible, treatment should only be given by a trained First Aider. 
Fire Safety Policy 
1. General Statement 
We take our fire and safety duties seriously and have formulated this Policy to help us comply with our legal obligations to staff, students, and visitors under the Fire Safety Order (2005). These include the provision of safe premises to conduct our business where fire safety risks are minimised. Due to its importance, this Fire Safety Policy forms part of our overall Health and Safety Policy. Our priority, at all times is the safety of individuals. 
To assist us in achieving a high level of fire safety we will ensure that: 
• all staff, students and visitors are aware of our fire procedures; and 
• the recommended number of fire evacuation drills are carried out so that everyone is aware of evacuation procedures and the fire assembly point. 
• it is our responsibility to ensure that staff, students, and visitors are aware of their responsibilities. 
2. Staff Duties 
All staff have a duty to take reasonable steps to ensure that they do not place themselves or others at risk or harm. All staff members are expected to co-operate fully with any procedures that may be introduced as a measure to protect the safety and well-being of staff, students, and visitors. 
3. Communication 
All staff will be kept informed of any relevant changes to fire safety procedures or fire risk assessments. 
4. Procedures 
The following procedures are in place to ensure high standards of fire safety. 
• Fire risk assessments have been undertaken and are reviewed regularly by The Fire Safety Officers. 
• The fire evacuation procedure will be practised as recommended and a record will be kept of the date and the time taken to evacuate the building. 
• It is noted that there are two distinct situations where different evacuations procedures are required, firstly, when students are in class and secondly, during break time and when students are out of their class. Evacuation procedures may be practised for both scenarios. 
• Training will be provided, as necessary, to any staff given extra fire safety responsibilities such as Fire Marshals. 
• All new and temporary members of staff will be given training on how to raise the alarm and 
the available escape routes. Regular staff will be given annual refresher training. 
• All escape routes shall be clearly signed; and kept free from obstruction at all times. Escape routes shall be checked regularly by the Fire Safety Officers. 
• Evacuation procedures are prominently displayed, and the Fire Safety Officers at Kirkham Henry Performing Arts CIC will ensure that all fire extinguishers are serviced and maintained annually by a suitable contractor. 
• If any staff member notices defective or missing equipment, they must report it to The Directors. 
• Alarms are checked and tested regularly by a suitable contractor and this is arranged by The Fire Safety Officers at Kirkham Henry Performing Arts CIC 
• Students who arrive at the Centre and have a period of time to wait before their class commences must sign in on arrival. 
5. Emergency Evacuation Plan 
If you discover a fire, raise the alarm immediately. 
If You Discover A Fire 
• Raise the alarm by breaking the glass of the nearest fire alarm call point. 
• Move all pupils and public from immediate danger, leaving by the nearest exit and go to the assembly point at The Mount Hotel garden. 
• Fight the fire with appropriate equipment if it is safe to do so. 
If You Hear The Alarm 
• Leave the building immediately, using the nearest available fire exit. Do not stop to pick up any personal possessions. Do not stop to shut windows, but the last one out of a room should ensure that the door is firmly closed. 
• The teacher should take the sign-in sheet/register with them. Teachers are responsible for taking roll calls and they should encourage everyone around them to evacuate as soon as possible. 
• The teacher in Studio 1, if safe to do so, must check that the changing rooms and all toilets are evacuated. 
• The teachers need to check that rooms are empty and that anyone who was in the building at the time the alarm sounded is accounted for at the roll call. 
• Report to the fire assembly point at The Mount Hotel garden for the roll call. 
• In the event, that the fire alarm is for a genuine fire, a teacher will call the fire brigade as soon as possible. However, in the event, that the fire alarm is a false alarm, then the teachers will establish the cause before letting anyone re-enter the building. 
Assisted Evacuation (Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan) 
Any member of staff or a student, who cannot leave the building unaided, in the event of an emergency will need to have a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (“PEEP”) for their evacuation. It is the responsibility of the teacher to assist the evacuation of the student, in accordance with the PEEP. 
Completed PEEP forms are kept by Kirkham Henry Performing Arts CIC and a copy of this form must be given to all teachers at the start of class. 
People who need aid to leave the building may include anyone with a physical disability such as a wheelchair user, but it could also include a student with a recent foot injury who is on crutches, someone with visual impairment, hearing difficulties or someone that is heavily pregnant. 
Anyone with mobility issues will be evacuated according to their PEEPS. 
Toilet and Personal Care Policy 
We are fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the well-being of all students and staff/volunteers associated with us. Our staff will support your child’s toileting needs. Parents/carers should be made aware of the 
school’s toileting policy and should be encouraged to work with the school to ensure their child’s needs are met. Where a child/young person has a recognised need with regards to toileting, procedures will be agreed between the school and parents/carers so that there is clarity over expectations, roles, and responsibilities. 
Arrangements are in place for when a child occasionally has a toilet related accident; and parents are made aware of the procedures the school will follow should their child need changing during class time. 
Kirkham Henry Performing Arts CIC Toilet and Personal Care procedures for individuals will specify: 
• Which staff will change the child. 
• Where the changing will take place 
• What resources will be used 
• How the waste will be disposed of 
• What the staff member will do if the child is unduly distressed by the experience. 
• All staff members at Kirkham Henry Performing Arts CIC are DBS checked. 
1. If your child is four years old or under, at their request, a staff member will accompany them to the toilet. 
2. The staff will enter the cubicle to assist with clothing. 
3. All staff to encourage young children NOT to lock the cubicle door. 
4. All staff will offer verbal reassurance and instruction. 
5. Kirkham Henry Performing Arts CIC will provide a small step /stool, so younger children can get on the toilet, and wash their hands themselves. 
Mental Health and Well-Being Policy 
If a teacher or volunteer is concerned about a pupil, they are advised, according to Mental Health England to approach the young person and assess and assist. 
If the teacher or volunteer feels it necessary, they will inform the principal or mental health first aider to assist further. 
The principal will assess the individual young person’s needs by listening and communicating non-judgementally and decide if further help and care is required. 
If necessary, the principal will give support and information and will always encourage the young person to discuss their worries with their parent/carers and when appropriate, seek support from other outside agencies. If the young person insists, they do not want to do this the principal will decide, subject to the issues discussed, if additional support is needed and inform the appropriate professional bodies. 
Staff will always listen to the young people and parents and help them access the appropriate support. If there is a cause for concern, we are to follow the guidelines and call 24 Hour NSPCC Helpline 0808 800 5000 
GDPR Guidance 
Sharing of Data 
Information held will be used for our purposes only. However, from time to time, data may need to be disclosed to third parties to comply with legal obligations (e.g. for the Inland Revenue or local authority safeguarding team). 
We will also be required to provide personal information to companies, such as our accounting system and the examination boards we use: 
• Royal Academy of Dance 
• International Dance Teacher’s Association 
• Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music 
• Trinity College  
Equal Opportunities Policy 
1.1 Kirkham Henry Performing Arts CIC (the "Company") is an equal opportunities employer. This means that it is the Company's policy that there should be no discrimination, harassment or less favourable treatment or victimisation of any employee, job applicant, customer, provider of services or member of the public either directly or indirectly on the grounds of: 
race, nationality, or ethnic origin 
gender, gender reassignment, marital or family status 
trade union membership or activity 
sexual orientation 
religion or religious beliefs, or lack of religion or religious beliefs; or 
In issuing this policy, the Company has three main objectives: 
to encourage its employees to take an active role in combating all forms of unlawful harassment and 
to deter employees from participating in harassment or discriminatory behaviour; and 
to demonstrate to all employees that they can rely upon the Company's support in cases of unlawful harassment or discrimination at work. 
The Company is fully committed to providing a good and harmonious working environment that offers equal treatment and equal opportunities for all its employees and where every employee is treated with appropriate respect and dignity. 
The Company recognises that the provision of equal opportunities in the workplace is not only good management practice but that it also makes sound business sense. The Company's equal opportunities policy is designed to help all employees develop their full potential and to ensure so far as practicable that the talents and resources of the workforce are fully utilised to maximise the efficiency of the organisation. However, no policy of this sort can properly accommodate all possible circumstances and therefore this document should be seen as creating guidelines only and not contractual obligations on the part of the Company. 
Whilst the Company recognises that the overall responsibility for the effective operation of this policy lies with the Company Directors, all employees, whatever their position within the Company, have some measure of responsibility for ensuring its effective implementation. In this respect, employees should ensure that: 
they co-operate with any measures introduced to develop equal opportunities 
they refrain from taking discriminatory actions or decisions which are contrary to either the letter or spirit on 
this policy; 
they do not harass, abuse or intimidate other employees, job applicants, customers, students, providers of 
services or members of the public in a manner contrary to either the letter or the spirit of this policy 
they do not instruct, induce, or attempt to induce or pressurise other employees to act in breach of this policy. 
Breaches of the Company's equal opportunities policy and procedures will usually result in the Company's 
disciplinary procedure being invoked against the individuals responsible. In serious cases the perpetrator may be dismissed. 
Please see our separate risk assessment policy for COVID-19.